The Countdown

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Next Fortnight: Behold, the Plethora of Parking Options

Weeks 2 and 3 have finished and...well,  we have some progress, but not as much as we would have hoped.  In the second week, even under the threat of rainstorms, the foundation was poured.  I didn't even know it was happening until a coworker who works around the corner came by my desk and told me there were 3 cement trucks and dozens of workers standing around the site that morning - thanks for the heads up!  Thankfully it didn't rain so the slab didn't pit (i.e. hail-like marks all over the slab).


The slab has been curing, and as we did a post-tension foundation, there has been tightening of cables over time.  Thankfully it has rained since which is good for the slab (once it is sufficiently dried), keeping it hydrated and minimizing potential for cracking.

While we were playing with concrete, we might as well go ahead and put in the sidewalk and driveway.  Week 3 gave us the most massive driveway - you could easily park 4 cars in the driveway alone - which for inner-loopers like us who have been fighting for parking for the last decade, that is like having a personal parking lot.  And they don't even charge you $20 to self-park.  Score.

Babcia and Lilly dutifully sent updates while we were away in NYC on vacation.

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